
Local Data Storage: User data is stored exclusively on your device and is not transmitted or stored on any third-party servers.

Data Security: We implement security measures to protect locally stored user data, ensuring confidentiality and integrity.

No Third-Party Server Usage: Our app does not use any third-party servers to store or process user data. Your information remains within the confines of your device.

Data Backup to Google Drive (if applicable): If you choose to back up data to Google Drive, please note that this is an optional feature, and even in this case, user data is not stored on any external server except your Google Drive account.

Limited Data Access: The app only accesses and uses data locally stored on your device. No external entities or servers have access to this information.

User Control and Deletion: You can control and manage your locally stored data within the app. Instructions on how to delete data are provided.

Privacy Policy Updates: This privacy policy may be updated periodically. Users will be informed of any changes, and the last update date will be provided.